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She has been dedicated to projects and initiatives focused on the promotion and guarantee of Human Rights, with emphasis on the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, as well as the provision of legal advice to civil society organizations, companies and public bodies in the structuring and implementation policies, programs , and projects of public interest. She worked with civil society organizations in the construction of a monitoring report and presentation to the Monitoring Committee of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Geneva, 2015).

Academic and institutional participation
Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (COGEAE) in the specialization course in Management of Social Projects in Third Sector Organizations. Researcher linked to NEATS – Center for Advanced Studies of the Third Sector at PUC/SP.

Member of the Iberoamerican Network of Experts on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Brazilian co-rapporteur for Project Zero, of the ESSL Foundation, on the implementation and monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Brazilian correspondent for the United States International Grantmaking (USIG) project of the International Center for Non-profit Law.

She has published several articles and collaborated with collective works, among which the following stand out: Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência Comentada [Brazilian Law for Inclusion of People with Disabilities Commented] (ISBN 978-85-69685-03-6); Diversidade Humana e Assimetrias: a reinterpretação do Contrato Social sob a Ótica das Capacidades [Human Diversity and Asymmetries: the reinterpretation of the Social Contract from the Capacities Perspective]. Sur – International Journal of Human Rights. (ISSN 1806-6445), Chapter on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In: Shirley Rodrigues Maia. []. (Org.). Guia de Promoção dos Direitos para Pessoas com Surdocegueira e Famílias. [Guide for the Promotion of Rights for People with Deafblindness and Families. 1st ed.] São Paulo: AHIMSA/SEDH/CORDE, 2008, v. I, p. 67-133 (ISBN 978-85-62252-00-6).

Her master’s dissertation, defended in 2009 at the University of São Paulo, is entitled “Capacities and Human Rights: A Conceptual Analysis from the perspective of Martha Nussbaum”, under the advisory of Professor Doutor Cícero Romão Resende de Araujo.


  • Master of Laws, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2009

  • Specialization in Constitutional Law, School of Constitutional Law, Brazil, 2006

  • Bachelor of Laws, Curitiba Law School, Brazil, 2002

  • Languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English

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