
Master’s Degree in Democracy and Good Government from the University of Salamanca (Spain).

Lawyer specializing in the Third Sector, with a focus on certifications (OSCIP and OS) and tax immunities. I assist non-profit organizations in obtaining tax benefits and complying with legal requirements, ensuring legal certainty and efficiency. He has worked in the Federal Public Administration (Ministry of Social Development) and municipal administration (Osasco/SP and Campinas/SP City Halls) with a focus on public law, CEBAS and the rights of people with disabilities.

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Academic and institutional involvement

Lecturer at events on the Third Sector, debureaucratization, certifications and CEBAS. Author of articles and collective works on non-profit organizations, including: Complementary Law No. 187/2021: Legal Framework for Charity, Notions on Democracy and Good Governance and Integrity Program in Third Sector Organizations.

She defended her master’s thesis in 2012 at the University of Salamanca, entitled La participación ciudadana en la gestión pública: Análisis entre México y Brasil, under the guidance of Dr. Augustín Enrique Ferraro Cibelli.

She is currently the coordinator of the Certifications and Debureaucratization Unit of the OAB – SP Third Sector Commission (triennium 2022-2024). She was Secretary General of the Third Sector Law Commission of the OAB/ DF (2016-2018). She is a member of the Black Sister in Law movement for the connection and appreciation of black women lawyers.


Awarded 2nd place in the competition for legal articles on the Right to Social Assistance (FIOCRUZ and MDS) with the article ‘The Protagonism of the Social Assistance Policy in the Realization of Human Rights’.

Awarded a master’s scholarship by the University of Salamanca (AECID).


  • Master’s student in Educational Policies, University of Brasilia, Brazil, 2022 (in progress)

  • Postgraduate Studies in Civil Society Organizations, Social Sciences, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Argentina (FLACSO), 2018.

  • Master in Democracy and Good Government, Political Science, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, 2012

  • Bachelor of Laws, Centro Universitário Fieo – UNIFIEO, Brazil, 2006

  • Languages: Portuguese and Spanish

  • Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8282828426414557

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