Recent legislative changes have an impact on public administration in terms of partnership relations with civil society organizations. The new Regulatory Framework (Federal Law No. 13.019/2014) creates new rules for the selection and execution, performance, monitoring and evaluation and accountability of partnerships, as well as sanctions and penalties applicable to CSOs and representatives of the Government in the case of finding irregularities.
The new law came into force for the Union, States and the Federal District in January 2016 and for municipalities as of January 2017. To regulate the new legal regime, the law firm advises the process of drafting decrees, standard models of terms of promotion, terms of collaboration, cooperation agreements, public notices and the Manual for the Provision of Partnership Accounts with Civil Society Organizations.
Based upon the experience acquired in the design, articulation and implementation of the agenda of the Regulatory Framework for Civil Society Organizations at the federal level, our professionals provide consultancy to monitor the implementation of Law 13.019/2014, include the civil society in the process and jointly elaborate a public policy of promotion and collaboration. They also provide training with legal guidelines for civil servants, representatives of civil society organizations and public policy councils.
Our consultancy to implement the law ensures not only the correct application of its rules, but seeks to guarantee the spirit of the discussion that originated it, which balances a regulatory environment favorable to the existence of CSOs to transparency in the application of public resources. Putting results control into practice is a challenge for public administrations, whether due to the necessary culture change or the need to improve previous control systems.
In short, in order to implement the law well, we understand that the federated entities must have a good (i) diagnosis of the local reality; (ii) focal point in the Executive Branch that helps in the process of implementing the law in local articulation with the Promotion and Collaboration Council; (iii) Toolbox with the necessary instruments and documents; (iv) training of interested actors.